An Architect's Value
An Architect's value is to design and construction as a Doctor is to your health or an Attorney is to your legal representation. An Architects' extensive educational degree and time practicing in the profession is what will provide you with the comfort knowing your Architect is there to offer you the best and most professional advice for your particular project and acts on your behalf throughout the process.
Problem Solving Skills:
Architects are trained to solve seemingly impossible problems with demanding design criteria. Architects have an ability, through training, experience and built-in intelligence, to be able to see solutions before a problem may arise; esp. with existing building renovations. Architects can be counted on to arrive at very creative and effective solutions for a project. Through our professional practice and on site experience, we can develop solutions to solve most problems before they arise. This can be critical when working with existing buildings.
Aesthetics and Creative Solutions:
An Architect focuses on an Owners' needs, wants, goals, hopes and inspirations. As an Architect designs, they incorporate these features into your project, balancing form with function to achieve a design that offers a quality solution. An Architect is proficiently trained to accomplish the blending of style, functionality, spacial sequencing and overall aesthetic quality.
Sustainable Design:
Your Architect can detail and specify your house to last longer and avoid additional maintenance through smarter detailing saving you unnecessary expenses. Your Architect wants the best home possible for you and your family and with proper sustainable design; the life of your home will be extended for generations to come.
Professional Representation:
Most construction projects, and specifically, residential projects within New York and Connecticut are required to have a licensed Architect prepare the filing documents for the Department of Buildings in order to obtain a building permit.
Marketing & Resale:
Having the advantage of a more functional layout and more attractive appearance for your home can give you a marketing advantage.
Environmental Considerations:
- Maintain Historical Context or Landmark Preservation
- Significance of the building or space in macro context.
- Spatial awareness and sequences of buildings on site.
- Simplicity and restraint with materials
- Reuse and Adapt where allowable
- Passive design measures
- E.A.D. Certification potential
- Existing Building vs. New Building
- Incorporate unique site features and elements into design.
Quality vs. Quantity:
There is a fine balance between Quality and Quantity when it comes to constructing your home. While you want to get the most for your investment and save cost, you should always weigh the return of what you may lose when choosing lower costs over what you may gain with the longevity and day-to-day maintenance of the Project after it is complete. Quality will offer you happiness, and while Quantity may offer you gratification, it may not satisfy your expectations in the long run. This is where Imagine Architecture P.C. plays a critical role, as we can help manage your Time, Cost & Quality for the Project.